We would be delighted to answer any enquires that you have about Blue Lake Milling and our range of products.

Please contact our professional customer support team to discuss your requirements.

Head Office

71 Pigeon Flat Road (PO Box 443)
Bordertown SA 5268

ABN: 30 007 968 318

T +61 8 8752 0111
F +61 8 8752 2967

Dimboola Production Facility

Corner of Borung and Western Highway (PO Box 155)
Dimboola Vic 3414

Forrestfield Production Facility

700 Abernethy Road
Forrestfield WA 6058

Blue Lake Milling Whistleblower Hotline

A secure and confidential way for Blue Lake Milling employees, contractors, suppliers, customers and growers to raise concerns of suspected or actual misconduct.

T 1800 986 457
F +61 3 9691 8182